Friday, July 24, 2009

Caress the details, the divine details

I was reading the book, Writing down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg.

The quote, Caress the details, the divine detailsby Vladimir Nabokov.

Just made me stop. This thought made me tingle.

I thought about this.

I realized how true for me, this is.

It is all about the details.
The vividness of the details populate our stories.

The intersection of our lives.
The space between us that we meet in.
The sharing of each others present.
The resonance of touch.

It would be the journey not the end.
All this leads to a path.

SO many divine details in my world.

The way a painting is hung.
How this painting works with the painting next to it.

The way halogen light bounces off a surface.
The way incandescent light reacts with the color.

Natural light can be so harsh during the day. Yet so soft at twilight.
The way the pinks, gold, pale turquoises and violets light up the sky.

Sometimes lingering for minutes.

Color and light are such key components of painting and sculpture.

The way stone catches and edits its surroundings landscape.
The endless reflections possibly with polished surfaces.
The way a cut is crafted, the dark and the light of it.

Steel intersecting with stone.
Bronze edges with concrete.
Glass with the whole street reflected in it.

The flowers defining the windows
The sculpture defining the flowers.

In my world these divine details occur daily.

Stop by and see the new sculpture by Tom Small entitled Stargazer, Granite and Steel installed on the Argyle Street entrance. The gallery in creating a small outdoor space for sculpture, enables the details of three sculptors and their visions to be enjoyed on the street in uptown Friday Harbor.


Friday, July 17, 2009


Saturday, July 11, 2009

SO Much Art

This weekend on San Juan Island, there is so much art going on.

At Gallery San Juan, Barbara and a few other artists are opening up a show,
Women with texture and one man with flowers."

Experience the texture and colors of hand picked Northwest women artists

and one man with flowers. Also enjoy food of color and texture.

Artists: BJ Dollahite, Barbara DePirro, Jocelyn Russell, Teri Jo Summer,

Ann Walbert and Kevin Roth.

Down the street, or rather up the street on Sunday, Arctic

Raven in conjunction with the San Juan Island Library and Skagit Valley College will host, "In Creation the Raven Sings" at San Juan Island Grange Hall on Sunday, July 12, 2 PM. Acclaimed Northwest Coast Native artists Rande Cook and Francis Dick will bring their culture alive by connecting the elements of art and song in a presentation. For more info call 360.378.

And uptown at waterworks gallery, the gallery features new water and landscape paintings Tim Schumm, an impressionistic painter. Stop by the gallery and meet him on Saturday,July 11, from 4 to 8. Some beautiful water lily paintings and a collection of lively simple daisy paintings. Stop by and visit the galleries of San Juan Island.