Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Concepia, The NEW gallery in Town

Last weekend, I went to the first in a series of photographers talks at John Sinclair's gallery called Concepia (

It is located above the ferry lot in that (not quite new building and across the street from the Market Chef). A small brightly lit, very inviting
space that was hosting it's opening show with works by Randy Laybourne, a young photographer. This is his first gallery show. The
theme of the show was his travels from Southern California to Vancouver, BC.

The featured photographs are all about the roads less traveled featuring the odd, and the unusual. Reminds me of many road trips I have taken. Randy is a good conversationalist. We chatted travels, and cameras. I learned from Randy about a technique of shooting traditional slide film and cross processing; i.e. the slide film is developed as photo/neg film. It leads to uncanny color results, sometimes the color is pushed but magic occurs !

As an artist/photographer Randy's favorite cameras are old SLR Nikon's especially the FE. He is not much of a digital fan. If he needs a digital camera, he borrows his dads' big Nikon. As a young
photographer his attitude to new experiences are open. He is not entrenched in technique. His works are reminiscent of past travel documentaries, yet Randy ad's his own unique perspective on the subject matter.

Definitely a show worth catching in Friday Harbor . This show is up until May 29th.
Gallery hours are Tuesday ~ Saturday 10 to 5, other times by appointment.
Concepia's address is 232 "A" St. #7, Friday Harbor, 360.378.3686.

Kudos's to John for opening up a new art space in these interesting times.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Georgia Gerber - Rabbits, seals & more

Earlier this week in cold and rainy weather, I welcomed a new artist to the gallery. Georgia Gerber, an artist whose works brings a smile to your face. She has the ability to capture animals at ease with a grace and a beautiful clean line quality.

Georgia's husband Randy is in charge of all installations, [How lucky can you get !].
SO this past week, Randy and his able helper, Kelly loaded the bunnies and a few other bronze sculptures into his truck with lots of tools to insure the ease of installation. They were hopping the weather would cooperate, as luck would have it , only a few sprinkles of rain as they were finishing up. I photographed the process and will share a few images.

When you walk past the gallery you will now break into a smile when welcomed to with these sweet bunnies! Other works by Georgia are on display at the gallery and will be posted to my website shortly.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's new

What a funny morning, It is April fool's and the weather concurs. It snowed this morning. Nothing stuck in my neighborhood.

Tomorrow, Thursday, April 2, the gallery is reopening. I am some new info to share on artists
represented by the gallery.

Got to visit the studio of Anne Belov, and returned to the gallery with a few amazing paintings. She makes the chaos of a kitchen almost look holy! With her homage to Vermeer, her color
palette is amazing.

On a side note, in these interesting times, Anne has started to write a blog on cartooning.
She populates her blog with a quirky collection of Pandas [there's a reason. read her blog] and cats. The blog is being dictated to her by her cat!

Here is the blog.