Sunday, December 21, 2008

I recently read this and found it of interest, so I am posting .

Food for thought.

Modus Cooperandi’s 10 Principles of Social Media

At the beginning of November, I posted 64 principles of Social Media I had collected from around the web. 64 seemed somewhat unwieldy. So I spent a month pondering what my 10 principles of social media would be.

So I present the 10 to you, each in its own post. I will deploy these one per workday over the next 10 days. (really)

My social media principles are attempting to boil down the core lessons that social media has taught us. These can then be applied in a technology neutral way to the rest of our lives and in business.

These principles help us communicate and relate better. With these principles we can establish networks and understand our place in them. These principles give coherence to the creation and exchange of value. All of these help us build better communities and working relationships.

However, these are principles. As human beings, managers, and friends we need to interpret and apply them.


The 10 Core Principles of Social Media:

1. Associations are inherently good – Knowing more people expands opportunity and conversation
2. Information wants to be free – Free society runs on free information. Information hoarding is the enemy of discourse and growth.
3. Economies have currencies – All economies trade on specialized currencies.
4. Decentralization is freedom
– Decentralized power structures spur creativity, growth, and innovation.
5. Rules beget rules – The more rules you have, the more rules you make.
6. Karma is real – You give more, you get more.
7. Context is Fluid – How you view an object today will be different tomorrow. Don’t destroy tomorrow’s value.
8. Immediacy in all things – Strike while the iron is hot. Eat when the food is fresh.
9. Communication is blood - Communication is the river upon which information flows.
10. Findability is power – Unfindable information or people are irrelevant.

Note: principles are not rules, not laws, not edicts. A principle is a philosophical underpinning. You use them to guide how you build or shape a culture.

UPDATE: Read An Bui's Remix of these ten.

Written at Groundwork Coffee, Los Angeles, CA.

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Why ART ? Local Notes

originally posted on 12/12/2008
In these deep dark days [both daylight wise and economically] art is more of a necessity than ever. The color, the texture and the emotional connection brings a ray of light into our worlds.

I have noticed over the years how people visiting my gallery, look upon the gallery experience as a source of nourishment and sustenance for their souls.

With this notion in mind, I recently walked through the galleries in Friday Harbor. My experience was an amazing diversity of context and content exists in this local art community of galleries.

Starting with the Westcott Bay Institute's Island Museum of Art, Spring Street, current show, Etherea, a black and white photography show featuring the island artists, Danielle Dean Palmer, Joan Benny and Grace Seltzer-Kelly. The diversity of the subject matter and the quality of the work is insightful, and a thoughtful view of each photographer's body of work (On display till December 20th).

Next I ventured down Nichols Street to Bison Gallery, where the theme of flight is apparent in the works of the Dale Crawford, carved and sculpted wood eagles worthy of the Audubon Society and the water media of Orcas Island's Frank Loudon, a top Aviator artist, who has been painting for over 50 years, is currently being presented.

Over at the San Juan Gallery, "A" Street, beside the works of owners, BJ and Matt Dollahite, they are presenting the an artist new to them, John Page, whose newest landscape work's explore how texture and color interact on a two-dimensional surface becoming somewhat atmospheric and sometimes abstract.

At Friday Harbor Art Studio, Web Street, this space is dedicated to showing the works of owner/artist, Howie Rosenfeld. Howie has been creating beautifully detailed scrimshaw, drypoint engravings and block prints of traditional sailing vessels and marine life. He encourages custom work.

At Arctic Raven Gallery on 1st Street, the subtle color and rhythms characterize the newest print works of featured artist, Susan Point. Susan is one of the Northwest Coast's most acclaimed artists, including a stunning set of house posts located here at the Port of Friday Harbor.

Up the Spring Street at Island Studios offers something for just about every taste with the works from over 150 artisans. Of special interest are the relief black and white block prints by local artist, Dona Reed. Darleen Nixon's jewelry created using Italian glass and sterling silver are colorful and beautiful!

And my gallery, waterworks gallery, Spring Street and Argyle street, is presenting the newest works by island favorites, Tom Small (stone sculpture) and Jaime Ellsworth (encaustic and oil paintings). New to the gallery, Jennifer Williams, mixed media environmental paintings and Jamie Kirkpatrick, ceramics and new works by gallery artists.

So after this tour, I would encourage you to walk the town and see for yourself what these local galleries are showcasing this month.

Whatever your taste, or budget, you just might find yourself falling in love with a work of art. You can make a difference. Shop local and give ART!